

Our team goes through every step of production to create high-level work that our clients are proud to present.


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In this stage we gather as much information about the subject of the project as we can. This includes the intended audience, their interests, and the message itself. Our team of creatives, producers, and director work with the client to come up with a creative brief. After that’s finalized, we move on to scripting, scouting, storyboarding, and casting to get ready for the cameras to roll.


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We go into production with a plan in mind. We prepare call sheets, shot lists, and have producers on site to ensure everything runs smoothly and on schedule. After lights, audio, and cameras are set up, we make sure our set is as safe as possible for the talent and crew. All the planning and scheduling was done in advance so this step runs as efficiently as possible.


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After all the visual elements have been captured, the post-production phase can begin. Post-production involves more than just editing the footage. There are many different steps that need to happen, such as sound design, coloring, and visual effects. The post-production phase may take the longest time to complete due to revisions, client approvals, and the fact that creative process is time-consuming.


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Perfecting the product is one thing, but perfecting how that product is shown is completely different. Determining how, where, and when the film is shown is as important as the film itself. That becomes even more important when a campaign is involved. Having the right strategy for distribution will ensure that the right people are viewing and engaging with the content.

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Additional Services

Video production is our bread and butter — and we’re not shy about that. But our services don’t just stop at video. We provide add ons to accompany video and make for a unified voice.


Having cohesive visual content keeps a brand's image and voice on the same track.

Animation & Design

We can design creative content that enhances video or goes where video can't.

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Brand Identity

We aid in developing all the visual elements that make a brand stand out.

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Aerial Imagery

Our FAA-certified pilots and professional-grade drones elevate the stories we tell.

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Social Media

We develop content-delivery strategies that connect our clients with their audiences.

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Web Development

We can help design a website that makes a great first impression to new visitors.

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